An economically or financially abusive relationship
Firstly I want to say, thank you to Elvira Camargo, who not only reached out to me but increased my sense of hope with her wonderful email. I am so grateful every time I find someone else, whether it is an individual, company, or group fighting the fight with me. Women are especially in pain due to the trauma of abuse in all its forms, and the more we stand together in this fight, the more opportunities for healing will become available. Please be sure to visit this webpage and find amazing resources on financial abuse and financial literacy for women. is inspiring, and I found it most informational and would recommend all my friends and readers to go and check it out. Thank you for sharing these wonderful resources with me and my readers.
Women & Financial Literacy: Facts, Resources & Tips (
Financial Abuse: How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones (

In the case of economic or financial abuse, it is usually the abuser who is struggling with his finances or ability to keep a job that leads to him abusing his partner. Some abusers seek out their victims to mainly abuse them financially. The other side is where a successful partner will not allow his victim to work or have finances as a form of control over her life.
As it is this abuser’s goal to control his partner or wife through financial and economic power, he will interfere with her income and finances, take control of her bank and credit cards, make her believe that she doesn’t know how to work with finances or money. In some cases, victims are forced to resign from their jobs or humiliated by sabotage at their workplace to get fired, so they become dependent on the abuser.
The abuser may permit a limited allowance to buy necessities like food, clothing, or medication. In severe cases, the victims have to beg for the things they need, so they just do not ask anymore, choosing to go without rather than facing the consequences of asking or the shame of begging for necessities.
Intimidation Abuse
The dictionary defines intimidation as the action of frightening or overseeing another person, especially in order to make them do what one wants. It is also referred to as an act of bullying, intentional harm-doing that is directed towards vulnerable targets, and typically repeated actions. It can also be the action of boycotts, collective and organized ostracism applied in labor, economic, political, or social relations to protest practices that are regarded as unfair.
It is the act of intimidating someone or the state of being of another person to make them timid or fearful by threats. The actions of the intimidator will make the victim fearful for their life or livelihood. It is seen as a crime, as fear of harm is a realistic emotion for the victim. There are many steps and guidelines to deal with intimidation. The best and safest option is to report the person and try to avoid any further contact.
Tags: domestic violence, healing journey, never give up, Warrior women, women in pain