Boek In Naskrif Taalplesier Deur Ns. Skryfwershuis- December 2022 / Enough in Naskrif Magazine!

NSkrywershuis se Absolute Wonderlike tydskrif, Naskrif het die pragtige stukkie van Enough geplaas. Baie dankie NS. Skrywershuis, Nico Schamrel vir die stukkie publikasie. Jou tydskrif is ‘n diamant vir Afrikaanse Lewers. Afrikaans Magazine Naskrif added this short piece to the book Enough in their December 2022 publication. Thank you, NS. Skrywerhuis for your publicity […]

Enough – Did you know? 90% of murders are due to victims trying to escape their abusers.

STOP ASKING VICTIMS OF ABUSE: “Why didn’t you leave…..” Here is a snipped from the book Enough! 1.1 What is domestic violence, sexual abuse and gender-based violence? The Oxford Dictionary defines domestic violence as violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Because domestic violence takes […]

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